Wednesday, December 29, 2010

a new project

I had an idea today - as I was writing my AP Euro paper on the book "Sophie's World".
and listening to Jack Johnson.
and eating freshly popped pop-corn.
I think I'll accredit the Jack Johnson to this idea.
And the idea is....*drumroll*
to make a project.
a world wide project, where people do things, little things, medium things, big things, and huge things, to make other people inspired.
To give other people hope in the world.
To give people direction.
A sign, a journey, anything.
Like bringing pets from a humane society to an orphanage and letting the kids play with the dogs and find some hope.
Or maybe having a high-end restaurant work at a PADs shelter for one day.
How about a Jack Johnson concert for kids in need?
Anything, something, to inspire another person.
Even if it's one more person. I'm doing this, and I'm going to blog about it.
gotta love visuals.
today is day 1.

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